Mega Tunjung Hapsari, Muhamat Rendra Romadon, Septiana Nihayatul Khusna, Zulfiana Suliha Uluwiya, Nicken Impi Eka Sari, Siti Maulidina Azizah


This community service is carried out by presenting a new concept, namely virtual service from home as an effort to prevent Covid-19 and comply with government recommendations in implementing health protocols. Departing from anxiety and problems related to radicalism, SARA-ism, anarchism, to terrorism, this virtual service activity was carried out in order to campaign wasathiyah values by creating creative content: religious moderation videos, religious moderation posters, quotes, podcasts, and istighotsah (prayer together) virtually through social media Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. This virtual service activity received a very good response from the community, which indicates that this activity was successfully accepted and able to provide benefits to the community in order to foster a sense of unity and respect for differences.


Pengabdian Virtual, Moderasi Beragama (Wasathiyah), Konten Kreatif

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v9i1.1964
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