JARINGAN KAWIN LARI DI KOTA PADANG; Aktor, Pola Kerja, dan Respon Pemerintah

Mufti Ulil Amri


This article describes about the network of “eloping” located in Padang. Eloping is often be an alternative
for some married couples who obstructed due to various factors, such as parent’s disagree, polygamy without
permission, or the difficulty of the affairs of marriage because of custom. Padang is a place for some couples
elope. Initial search showed that there are at least two areas that are often targeted, namely Lubuk Buaya and
Bungus Teluk Kabung. The marriage certificate obtained from this process is the original marriage certificate
issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. However, KUA address listed in most cases are not in Padang, but
in districts located in Kerinci, Jambi. This fact indicates that the network actors are quite strong in Padang.
Based on that need to be asked: what kind of elopement network that built up in Padang? Who are the actors?
How does it work patterns? And how the government's response to this issue? To answer this question, the data
were collected through interviews, observation and document study. As an initial step, this article presents the
descriptive data and qualitative analysis.


Elopment, registration of marriage, the government's response.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v3i1.378
Abstract views : 115 times
PDF : 1238 times


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