Dedi Arsa


Disease outbreaks (epidemics) affects human life broadly, overhauling the order of a society, and change the
history. This paper discusses how the spread of epidemics in West Sumatra (Sumatra's Westkust) and treatment
(anticipatory action) of the colonial government in the period 1873-1939. Epidemics that plague the West
Sumatra during this period was recorded variously: smallpox, cholera, dysentery, beriberi, tuberculose, and
insanity (kringzingen). Outbreaks are caused by an unhealthy environment, poor dreinase, and low public
imune system. This aspect is compounded by social, economic and political unstablity. Anticipatory action taken
by the colonial government by sending medical staffs to spot infected, reproduce vaccine, evacuate and relocate
patients to a more sterile, complete equipments in the hospital, and build additional hospitals.


outbreak/epidemic, anticipatory action, Sumatra's Westkust.

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