KOTA PADANG (Studi Perubahan Penggunaan Ruang Ekonomi Tradisional di Pasar Raya Padang Pasca Bencana 2009)

Zusmelia Zusmelia, Firdaus Firdaus


Market is the most important space in economic system, especially trade. Because of its function as economic
space, market has been major interest by economic subjects both modern and traditional. More and more people
are concerned with the market, the market economic value will be higher too, and the more and more higher
the market the market spatial dynamics will be higher too. Pasar Raya Padang is once of 15 markets on Pada
City and biggest market also with high value of economic space. Since build and known as Kampuang Jao, it
have a lot of dynamics. This research article explain the dynamics of traditional economic space after earthquake
2009 at Pasar Raya Padang and the causing factors. This qualitative research at Pasar Raya Padang find
the dynamics of economic space at Pasar Raya Padang is high post-quake 2009, especially in Pasar Inpres I,
II dan III, and fase VII store. Quake factor only starting point the space dynamics causes, the more factors is
government with them policy.


ynamic, Economic Space, Kota Padang

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v3i2.385
Abstract views : 123 times
PDF : 905 times


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