HARMONI DALAM PERBEDAAN: Strategi Pengelolaan Keragaman Beragama

Sefriyono Sefriyono


This study concentrates on a plurality society situates in the sub-district of South Padang, West Sumatra where
its people hold different religion, language, social statification and etnicity. Data is gathered from a various
respondents who live in the area including heads of the subdistrict, civil servants, common people, religous
leaders, aducators, and students. Interviews, observation and collecting documents are used in collecting data
from the respondents. This study shows that the society has succesfully managed its plurality in gaining social
integration and harmony. The finding also reveals that people widely acknowledge the nature of the plurality
in the society to which they are adhering to different religions; their aspirations are fairly represented in the
public sphere; they received equal treatments from the local government in concerning with the matter of social
walfare. However, it also shows that the minorities groups have not fully gained their right to have particular
place for ritual.


Plurality, religion, etnicity, social intecration, harmony

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v2i1.389


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