POSITIVISM OR NORMATIVISM ECONOMICS: An Appraisal toward Islamic Economics Methodology

M. Sholihin M. Sholihin


This paper endeavors to explore cotemporary epistemology of islamic economic schools classified into three
categories: Baqir Sadr, Mainstream and alternative schools. These mainstreams have been applying difference
approaches and paradigms to analyze islamic economics. This study shows that islamic economics has ‘doubleparadigm’.
this case, paradigm
is a model or framework
for observation
and understanding, which shapes
what we
see and how
understand it. this paradigms
the muslim economists and also are

to understand the islamic economics problems
in which the scientific problem
in islamic economics is
theories, norms
and facts. Various
of islamic economics — Subjectivism,

and Deterritorialism
— are
to understood and explained how
the gap between
and fact occurs

islamic economics. this gap is a complex challenge that must be understoond and explained by
applying a


Epistemology, empiricism, normativism, Islamic economics, positivisme

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v2i2.399
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PDF : 803 times


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