Ridhoul Wahidi


Living the Quran and Hadith is a relatively new study has not been touched. In addition, this study also
provides a new paradigm for the development of the study of the Qur'an and Hadith contemporary era that
no longer dwell on the study of texts alone. The results of this study indicate that the living Quran starts from
the phenomena of life in the middle of the Muslim community associated with the Koran as an object of
study so that the entrance area of social studies, this phenomenon appears by the presence of the Koran, then
initiated into study of the Koran. Similarly, what happened in the Living Tradition. Living Tradition is a
form of understanding traditions that are in the field praxis levels. Therefore, what is executed in the most
unequal society in accordance with the mission of the Prophet, but differ according to the intended context.
There are changes and differences to adjust the characteristics of each locality. Discussion living tradition can
be seen in three forms, namely written, oral, and practical. All three models and forms of the living tradition
of inter-related with each other


Living Qur’an, Living Hadis, Masyarakat

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v1i2.477
Abstract views : 383 times
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