Junaidi Junaidi


The discussion about the relation between religion and human substantially depending on the perspective and
understanding of the religion and the human themselves. First, it will indicate rationally directed creative in
human beings, to give emphasis to individua of absolute self (ego). Secondly, with regard to human self-concept
of freedom and the immortality of the soul by emphasizing individu and human uniqueness. Muhammad Iqbal
insists on the fate of mankind as a unity of life. Studies on humans have not been exhaustively discussed in
the realm of thought. Even the issue and talks about people are always actual, sharp and covered up whenever
relevant. Moreover, the terms of humanity always comes from thinkers with different perspectives and scientific
areas of expertise under their control. The object of this research material is Iqbal’s thought about religion and
human, and formal object is the discourse regarding the philosophy of religion. The method used in this study
is a hermeneutical method. The results showed that the self is more potential than actus. Potensia would be the
actus of the whole process of self-actualization, and will end up in the context to be perfect man (Insan Kamil).


Religion, Human, and Insan Kamil

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