Analisis Konten Hadis dalam Lirik Lagu Berserah Diri oleh Sabyan di Youtube

Yassinta Ananda


Music as a bridge to deliver religious messages is now on the rise. Judging from the various works of songs with Islamic nuances, it is increasingly favored by the public. Not surprisingly, many song lyrics adapted from the traditions of the Prophet SAW began to appear and trending. At the end of June 2022, Sabyan Gambus again released its latest song entitled Berserah Diri. In the song Berserah Diri created by Agung Insan Tauhid and Ayus Sabyan, there are also several Prophetic traditions which are then modified into song lyrics. This study aims to determine and analyze the traditions contained in the lyrics of the song Berserah Diri. This research belongs to library research with descriptive-discourse analysis techniques. In collecting the data, the author uses primary data in the form of documentation of Berserah Diri song lyrics found on YouTube Sabyan and hadith books such as al-Kutub al-Tis'ah, Mu'jam Mufahras li Alfadz al-Hadith. The secondary data is in the form of previous research published in the form of papers, articles, theses, theses and dissertations that support the making of this paper. The results of the research are that there are 3 redactions of hadith in the song Berserah Diri, namely; in the first stanza contains the redaction of hadith from the narration of Imam Muslim; in the second stanza contains the redaction of hadith from Imam al-Bukhari; in the third stanza contains the redaction of hadith from the narration of Imam Muslim.


Hadith, Sabyan Gambus, Surrender, YouTube

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