Sarbaini Sarbaini


To minimize traffic congestion, the application of compatible graphs is used to establish a more optimal total waiting duration at the traffic flow at the Pekanbaru airport intersection. Traffic flow at the Pekanbaru airport intersection is more congested on Sunday due to weekends, where this study was conducted on Sunday afternoon, May 29, 2022. The purpose is to optimize the total waiting duration of the existing traffic lights in the area, waiting for the vehicle stop time obtained in all aspects of the lane, from the observations that have been made obtained compatible graphs. By applying compatible graphs, two different hypotheses are used. The first hypothesis turns left following a traffic light which is 100 seconds. Meanwhile, the second hypothesis of turning left does not follow a traffic light of 120 seconds. Where the wait duration obtained is the optimum waiting duration with a compatible graph, the waiting duration in the current field is much more optimal than the waiting time after using the compatible graph


Compatible graphs, traffic lights, the duration of the wait

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