Sasaran dan strategi Dakwah Nagari

Awis Karni


The target of dakwah is in society, that why the analysis weared sociology. We need to know how picture about

Minangkabau village( that call nagari) society now. Later, after earning pictuæ about Minangkabau nagari society, we can apply dakwah strategy to the nagari society.

The writer tries to analyze the change of nagari society at present, and what to do with dakwah strategy in nagari development.



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ShihabQ, uraish adalah Guru Besar dalam mata kuliah Tafsir pada UIN Svarif Hidavatuliah Jakarta. Pendapatnya tentang fungsi masjid di atas dalam dilihat dalam Wawasan alQur'an Tafsir Maudhu 'i atas Pelbagai Persoalan Umat. (Bandung, Mizan: 1996)


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