Dakwah Versi Harun Nasution

Alkhendra Alkhendra


Dakwah is a duty of every Moslem. There are many ways to do this duty, like rhetoric presentations, groups working at society, political activities, using mass media, and so on. All of the t,ways are done to reach the goal of Islamic way of life.This article tries to explain the deconstruction and reconstruction of understanding Islam by Harun Nasution, as a kind of dakwah activity.


dakwah;harun nasution;islam

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/al-hikmah.v0i0.994
Abstract views : 251 times
PDF : 350 times


Riwayat Hidup Prof. Dr. Harun Nasution" dalam 70 Tahun Harun Nasution


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