Beni Putra Hanafi


Terrorism and radidicalism in Indonesia often raise fundamental questions about Indonesia’s sense of Indonesianness. Moreover, the perpetrators are also citizens of Indonesia then it is interesting to be studied more deeply how Indonesia when events that shake the diversity of Indonesia. As destiny becomes a diverse and multicultural Indonesia. The purpose of education is to humanize human beings in a humane manner to realize the order of honor and respect. This Idealism has not fully run as we expected. During this time, the institution of education is rampant to the violence and intimidation known as radicalism in education
During this time, in an effort to combat the crime of terrorism is used follow the methods that are considered suspect hasn't been able to stop the actions of terrorism. Then a new strategy must be used by the Government in tackling these crimes. Attempts or other strategies to use with the system and the search mechanism of the flow of funds (follow the money) that aims to break the chain of funding terrorism in accordance with the provisions of law No. 9 years 2013 on the prevention and eradication of crime funding terrorism.
The issue of radicalism that lead to acts of terrorism is still interested  to be discussed, including in Indonesia. Indeed the causes of terorisme in Indonesia, there are three namely first, etnicity, second,  religious radicalism, third, poverty and economic disadvantage. And the one alternative solution for prevent of radicalism that lead to acts of terrorism is economic environment, which that can be done by individuals, and community groups such as community organizations and so forth, and the last one is the government, has become a liability for government to create general welfare.


radicalism; terrorism; follow the money

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