edi suandi, Jusmawati Jusmawati, Zakaria aziz


KUBE (Joint Business Group), is a Government program through the Ministry of Social Affairs in poverty alleviation. This study aims to determine the Empowerment Management by Kube Sambal located in Nagari Talang Maua Kec. Mungka Kab. 50 City of Sumatra Bara Province, so as to be able to win the best Kube champion at the level of West Sumatra Province in 2019. This research is a qualitative study, in which the researcher conducts direct interviews with the management of Kube Sambal on Empowerment Management in November 2019. The results of the study were obtained by the Management of Empowerment of Kube Sambal able to produce innovations in processing gambier leaves into finished products such as Tea Bags, Jelly Candy and Gambir Leaf Masks and clothing dyes. The results of the Kube Sambal Innovation make gambir have a higher value without relying again on the purchase price of raw materials. Kube Sambal Innovation increases community productivity in producing products, so as to improve people's economy


Kube Sambal, Management, Innovation, Economic Value.

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