Indri Desfika, Prima Kurniati Hamzah




The Great Mosque of Al-Muhsinin is the grandest mosque in the city of Solok and is fully supported by the city government, both morally and materially and already has a structured program of da'wah activities, but in fact the da'wah activities have not been carried out optimally, including the dawn lecture activities only held three days that should be every day and the youth generation that has been programmed has not been implemented at all. The purpose of this study was to determine the provision of motivation, guidance, relationships, and forms of communication to the administrators of the Al-Muhsinin Great Mosque of Solok City. The research method used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research location is on Jalan Datuak Parpatih Nan Sabatang, Aro IV Korong Village, Lubuk Sikarah, Solok City. The informants in this study were the chairman and members of the board. The data collection technique used in this research is by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that (1) The motivation given by the chairman of the board is in the form of motivation that arises from within the members of the board itself, namely in the form of the initiative of the strongest will from the members of the board (intrinsic motivation), and motivation that arises due to external encouragement, namely motivation. arising from outside the individual, such as giving praise (extrinsic motivation). (2) Providing guidance in the form of suggestions, instructions, advice and warnings given in carrying out da'wah activities. 3) Coordination carried out by the chairman of the board is carried out by inviting all members to take part in discussing all da'wah problems in the form of discussions, providing suggestions, ideas, and solutions, exchanging information and respect. However, the management has not coordinated with the old management so that the da'wah program is not optimal. (4) The communication carried out by the chairman of the board is carried out by exchanging information, helping each other or cooperation, and if there are problems or issues of da'wah, they are collected by notifying in the WhatsApp group or also by letter


Keywords: Movement, Da'wah, Great Mosque, Solok

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