Inovasi Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Lulusan di Kota Padang Panjang

Asrizallis Asrizallis


This research focuses on the innovation of Private Madrasah Aliyah in Padang Panjang City in an effort to improve the quality of its graduates, through madrasa programs in order to develop mental, moral, and intellectual as well as improve the soft skills and hard skills of students in dealing with life in society and continuing to higher education. higher education. Private Madrasah Aliyah need to continue to make reforms in the education system, although currently the quality of Private Madrasah Aliyah still needs a lot of innovation, so that private madrasa graduates are able to compete with madrasas or public schools.

The findings in this study are 1) curriculum and learning innovations in private Madrasah Aliyah including developing curriculum innovation plans, curriculum innovation foundations, curriculum goals innovations that combine madrasa goals and national goals, teaching material innovations and the preparation of evaluation systems, extracurricular innovations and innovations. local content. 2) Innovation in the Management of Private Madrasah Aliyah by enabling the management function within the madrasa environment and establishing good cooperation between the principal and education staff, committees, teachers, students, parents, alumni and the surrounding community. 3) Innovation in terms of human resources for Private Madrasah Aliyah such as optimizing educators or teachers with further studies, training and seminars, workshops, MGMP and optimizing accepted input standards, developing student creativity, developing programmed learning activities, and optimizing madrasa infrastructure facilities. 4) Barriers to innovation in budget availability have not been matched between the need and availability of funds, inadequate facilities and infrastructure. Support for teacher motivation to innovate and good cooperation with madrasa principals, teachers, alumni students, parents and foundations


Inovation, Madrasah, graduate quality

Abstract views : 84 times


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