Deki Syaputra


Incung script is the script used in Kerinci, the only local script that has ever developed in Central Sumatra. This script is used in the tradition of textbooks in Kerinci, which has produced nearly 134 manuscripts with different contents, in the search for researchers generally contained Tembo or genealogy and mindu coral or lamentation and by using materials in the form of horns and bamboo. Therefore, in this further search the writer uses a descriptive analytical method and in this qualitative study is accompanied by a philological and codicological approach to assist in identifying the manuscripts and the ins and outs that accompany it and presenting the edition of the text, the meaning of the content and the context of the contents of the manuscript. The results of this study show that the incung script is very different from the script in the surrounding area (Bengkulu, Lampung and South Sumatra) both in terms of its shape and naming. Where the name of this script is written directly in the text of the text written as (h) incung not rencong as some researchers have previously thought. In the tradition of communication, it not only uses horns and bamboo, but also uses media in the form of daluwang and lontar, as well as contents, there are also rajahs and mantras and other important notes, such as notes of debt and or fines.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/h.v15i1.3142
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