Analyzing the Types of Speech Act Found in Teacher’s Oral Interaction in the Learning Process

Sri Suci Suryawati, Zughrofiyatun Najah, Arina Khuzaniar R


Abstract: The objective of this research is to find out what kinds of speech act were used by the teacher. The researcher observed and recorded the teaching learning process. The record was transcribed and analyzed based on Searle’s Classification of Speech Act. The result showed that only four classification that are used in the record. They are representative, directive, commissive and expressive. They also indicated that language directive was the mainly category that appeared in teacher’s utterance to deliver question.

Key words: Speaking, Speech Act, Teacher’s interaction


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IMLAH: Islamic Manuscript of Linguistics and Humanity Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2020

ISSN: 2722-4198

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