Theories of approaches to the study of meaning in Arabic

Rahmat Satria Dinata, Intan Muflihah, Kemas Faisal Al-Azam


Abstract: In our daily lives we often hear and also use the meaning, (which is commonly synonymous with the word meaning) to refer to the notions, concepts, ideas and intentions that are realized in the form of utterances, symbols or signs. The meaning in speech is actually the same as the meaning in the symbol system or other sign systems because the real language is also a symbol system. Only the difference in meaning in language is manifested in symbols in the form of language units, namely words / lexemes, phrases, sentences, and so on. Referring to the opinion above, the following will discuss the theory of meaning from semantics. In semantics there is a relationship between sign and meaning. This study will discuss about theories of approaches to the study of meaningin Arabic. Qualitative approach will be used in this study and it focus on analyzing Theories of approaches to the study of meaning in Ilmu Dalalah book written by Ahmad Mukhtar Umar and the others which consider as secondary text.The researcher will discussabout theories of approaches to the study of meaning in Arabic. The findings show that the theories of approaches to the study of meaning in Arabic are an-nadzhariyah al-isyariyah(referential theory), an-nadzhariyah at-tashowuriyah(ideational theory), an-nadzhariyah as-sulukiyah(behavioral theory), nadzhariyatu as-siyaq(context theory), nadzhariyatu al-huqul al-dilaliyah(semantic field theory), an-nadzhariyah al-tahliliyah(analitical theory).

Keywords:, Behavior, makna,referensial, semantik, tashowuriyah


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