Peribahasa Negasi Minangkabau Di Nagari Batipuah Baruah Kabupaten Tanah Datar

Benny Mega Wati, Ulil Amri


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the forms of negation proverbs in Minangkabau language used by people who live in Nagari Batipuah Baruah, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra. The researcher observes and analyzes the forms of negation proverbs used with the listening, engaging, and proficient techniques. The data analysis was performed using the pragmatic matching method with the basic technique of sorting the determinants. Data were analyzed by looking for equivalents outside of language such as various reactions and according to the level of hearing by speech partners. Then use the Equation Appeal Relationship Technique. The findings of this study are the form and meaning of Minangkabau language negation proverb which is still used by the community in Nagari Batipuan Baruah, Tanah Datar Regency.

Key words: negation proverb, pragmatics, Minangkabau Language


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