Benny Mega Wati, Ulil Amri


Abstract: This research describes the types of illocutionary acts found in the slogans of airplane advertisements on the internet. Researchers analyzed the applications of illocutionary forms that are widely used in airplane slogans. Data was collected by downloading airplane advertising slogans on the internet. The data were analyzed using the pragmatic characteristic method. The theory used is the types of illocutionary acts theory by Searle (1993) and Hymes (1972) which are associated with the types of sentences and the context of an utterance. Data analysis was presented descriptively. Research shows that the type of speech act that is mostly used in airplane advertisements is the type of commissive action and directive action (66.6%). The researcher concluded that the advertisers conveyed their ideas by using words that meant that passengers who read the advertisements did something that was expected by the advertisers and were limited by an action in the future. They also use a different form of the word from the word itself. Apart from that, the types of speech acts that are also used are the types of assertive speech acts, the types of expressive speech acts, and the types of speech acts that are declared.

Key words: pragmatics, speech acts, illucotionary acts, airlines advertisement


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