Ta'limu Maharati al-Kalam Bi Thoriqoti al-Sam'iyyah al-Syafahiyyah Fi al-Soff al-sabi' bi al-madrasah al-Tsanawiyyah al-Islamiyyah al-Hukumiyyah 1 Payakumbuh

Ali Nasuha, Ifkar Rasyid


This research was motivated by seeing that some seventh grade students of MTsN 1 Payakumbuh City were able to pronounce Arabic sentences with confidence. Then the researcher asked the seventh grade Arabic teacher, Ustadz Nur Hadi Ahmad, what method he used, in fact he used the Sam'iyah Syafahiyah method. Therefore, this study aims to see the implementation of the Sam'iyah Syafahiyah method in accordance with the steps that have been prepared by the teacher. The method in this research is qualitative. This study uses a descriptive field research method. The purpose of the study was to collect information about the state of the existing object, namely the state of the object as it was at the time of the study. The technique of collecting data was by observation, after that it was continued by interviewing Arabic teachers and finally documenting it. From the observations that the researchers did, it was found that the implementation of the sam'iyah syafahiyah method in the seventh grade of MTsN 1 Payakumbuh City was in accordance with the steps that had been prepared by the teacher, but the teacher had to pronounce the letters correctly, because it had an impact on correctly. and the wrong pronunciation of students' Arabic.
Keywords: education, speaking skill, method, audio-lingual.

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