Business Process Recommendations to Reduce The Number of Product Returns Using Lean Thinking and Fuzzy Takagi- Sugeno

Cantika Nur Previana


Product returns are one of the challenges facing manufacturing business people. Product returns have also surfaced for companies in the snack food industry in the town of Kediri. This company earns a higher return on food products than on sales of these products. Returns are due to food products that are sold having exceeded the expiration. To overcome these problems, the management company needs to identify the business processes in an enterprise snack. Excessive Product Returns Affect Snack Food Company's Business Goals. Business goals that cannot be met require management to identify the causes of these problems. This study aims to identify problems in a snack food company's business processes using root cause analysis and the lean thinking method, and to recommend new business processes for a snack food company using lean thinking and the fuzzy Takagi-Sugano method. Additionally, the study aims to determine whether the new snack food company's business process recommendations can reduce the number of product returns. The results of the business process recommendations implemented over 57 days achieved a Curacy score of 95 and a 23% reduction in product returns scores.


Business Process, Fuzzy, Lean Thinking

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Kampus III Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang
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