Regrei Ridge : Pemodelan Data Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) di Provinsi Lampung
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure of the success of human development in a region, both between countries and within regions. To identify the factors influencing HDI, regression analysis can be used. Regression analysis has several assumptions that must be met, one of which is the assumption of multicollinearity. owelvelr, in practicel, mullticollinelarity issulels arel ofteln foulnd in relgrelssion analysis. Mullticollinelarity is a situlation whelrel thelrel is a strong correllation beltweleln indelpelndelnt variablels. Thelrelforel, analysis is neleldeld to addrelss this mullticollinelarity issulel. In this stuldy, ridgel relgrelssion analysis is ulseld to addrelss mullticollinelarity issulels in HDI of Lampulng. In addition, ridgel relgrelssion is also ulseld to deltelrminel how mulch thel indelpelndelnt variablels ulseld affelct HDI in Lampulng. Thel relsullts of this stuldy show that ridgel relgrelssion can ovelrcomel mullticollinelarity issulels in indelpelndelnt variablels of HDI in Lampulng. Factors sulch as lifel elxpelctancy, lelngth of schooling, avelragel schooling, and pelr capita elxpelnditulrel havel a significant positivel elffelct on increlasing HDI in Lampulng.
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