Group Counseling with Techniques Self-Management To Reduce Addiction Game Online In Early Adult Individuals

Dimas Prastia Putra P, Faisal Adnan Reza


Group counseling is a method of handling participants with addiction backgrounds online. At the stage of group counseling, there is an intervention in self-management which is used as a reinforcement of the ongoing handling process. The purpose of this study is to apply management in group counseling to reduce addiction online. Participants in this study were 8 early adult individuals. Types of research experimental design model one group pre-test and post-test design by using a sample of selected data sources, namely by technique purposive sampling. This study uses a scale game addiction scale (GAS) with a reliability result of 0.924. Data analysis using paired sample t-tests aims to find out whether there is a difference between before and after being given group counseling. Based on the results uji paired simple t-test the results obtained a significant value of 0.000 <0, 05 this shows that the self-management group method has proven effective in reducing the tendency of web-based game addiction in students.


Counseling; group; management; games; online

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