The Concept of Zuhud from the Perspective of Abu al-Aswad al-Duali's Poetry and Its Correlation in the Quran

Ali Hasan Assidiqi


Zuhud from the world does not mean avoiding worldly material and halal things, the concept of zuhud is contained in the Qur'an also practiced by the Prophet of Allah. Abu al-Aswad, a politician and linguist in the first century Hijri who was a zahid, can be a concrete example that zuhud can be applied even by a person who holds political office. Abu al-Aswad's thoughts regarding zuhud are represented in verses in his work so that this is important because it can aim so that people who want to draw closer to Allah for a politician and active in institutions can follow in his footsteps. The type of research used is literature, with a comparative method. The results obtained that there are 5 zuhud conceptualized by Abu al-Aswad consisting of tawakkal, prohibition of suppositions, advice and reminders, oral keeping, and sabar. The five concepts of zuhud have continuity with the word of Allah and the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad that the zuhud taught in the shiir of Abu al-Aswad does not contradict the Quran. In addition, the most important thing in this shiir, also teaches about how a person who wants zuhud but he remains a politician and active in second activities so that his zuhud does not disappear.


Zuhud, Syair, al-Qur'an and Abu Al-Aswad.

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