Participation of Political Parties in Elections in Malaysia: Allies or Adversaries of the Development Process?

Wan Ibrahim Wan Ahmad


Development should strive to elevate the community's standard of living, fostering prosperity and alleviating extreme poverty. Given Malaysia's multi-ethnic and multi-religious composition, addressing unity is paramount for harmonious development, allowing political leaders to focus on progress. Ethnic and religious diversity, perceived as a divine gift for mutual understanding, must be effectively managed without assigning blame. In Malaysia, distinct political parties represent various ethnic groups, advocating for their democratic rights. This paper explores whether political party participation in elections aids or hinders national development. It aims to (1) examine development's purpose in a multi-ethnic setting, (2) assess the role of political elites in national development, and (3) evaluate the impact of diverse political party participation on the country's development. As a macro-conceptual secondary analysis, the study concludes that development in Malaysia should prioritize unity, as current efforts are impeded by political elites exploiting power for personal gain. While political parties are expected to catalyze development, their presence in Malaysia is viewed as a hindrance, contributing to racial divisions and issues like religious sensitivity. Managing ethnic and religious diversity is deemed essential in Malaysia, a prerequisite for successful development initiatives.


Development; political participation; multi-ethnic dan multi-religious

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