Methodology Of Mabahis Fi Mustalah Al-Hadis By Syekh Harun Rasyidi Al-Fariyamani

Abdul Halim, Nofri Andy.N


The model of sanad hadith research leaves room for further development as was done by Syekh Harun Rasyidi al-Fariyamani. This article discusses the methodology of theMafatih Mabahis fi Mustalah al-Hadis as well as the author's hadith thinking so that rarely heard terms are found. The results of this study show that there are differences in SyekhHarun's thoughts regarding the study of ulumul hadith in terms of definition. He also added a view of the science or name of a hadith which is not discussed by most hadith scholars, such as the hadis shalih, mudha'af, mujawwad tsabit, jayyid, and others.


methodology; sanad; hadis shalih

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