Prophetic Psychology: A Case Study of ISMUBA Education at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta

Waharjani Waharjani, Mohammad Jailani


Islamic educational psychology has undergone significant development in Indonesia, particularly within Islamic schools, including SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. These schools aim to educate students to become individuals who are intelligent, skilled, faithful, God-conscious, and possess noble character based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Ismuba teachers utilize the concept of prophetic psychology in approaching students, even though they may only receive an introductory psychology course. Islamic studies also encompass psychological traits such as love, peace, prayer, and kindness towards parents, neighbors, and animals. These virtuous behaviors are often linked with the concept of jihad, such as showing devotion to parents, which is referred to as jihad in certain hadiths. This research aims to evaluate the extent to which prophetic psychology concepts are applied in approaching students to develop Islamic ethics and behavior. The research method employed is qualitative with a case study approach. The results indicate that subjects positively respond to behaviors reflecting prophethood, such as maintaining good relationships with parents, neighbors, and the practice of mushafahah (handshake greetings). The practice of conveying greetings/salutations is also considered to enhance tranquility. Good communication with the Muslim community is based on the teachings of hadith about spreading greetings and loving one another, as well as the belief that the best of people are those who benefit others.


hadith; Islamic education; case study; prophetic psychology

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