Hardivizon Hardivizon, Mhd. Sholihin, Anrial Anrial


This paper certainly examines the relationship between religion and consumer’s choice towards the islamic
bank in Bengkulu, Province. Concerning in religion preference system and its relation with consumer’s choice
the research is crucially expected to discover the relationship between religion, and the consumer’s choice of
islamic bank in Bengkulu. The reason why the issues must be studied is from theoritical foundation in which
belief system like religion, and rationality is a main factor determining the consumer’s choice towards islamic
bank in varied-cases (Yusof; Bahari; Adanan: 2014). Hence, there are various facts as an important setting
of research—moeslem population in Bengkulu; level of FDR (finance to deposits ration) for many islamic
bank in Bengkulu is 182,3% and also NPF level is 3.30%. Based on this setting, the study intentionaly uses
the grounded theory as approach. It directly legitimates two theories as guidance for the research—rationality
choice theory and shopping preference theory.
The research successfully finds a set of thesis that religion’s rules in consumer’s choice of islamic bank can be
described shortly in two models—religion as Model of ” and “for Reality. These models emerge in consumer’s
behaviour of how they select the islamic bank in Bengkulu. Empirically, it can be attested from the perception,
and definition toward islamic bank as a personal experience. In fact, Islam as a part of religions modified
as justification for their choice. Whilst consumers tend to be a loyal consumer of Islamic bank based on the
belief-- framework produced from their religion, for some users it is eventually because of the economics interest.
For example, islamic bank choice is based on the ultimate-goal to gain exceeded-profit rather merits offered
by the conventinal bank.


Religious Taste, Bank Choice Behaviour, Religion preference system, Consumer’s choice, and rational choice.

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