TERTAWALAH SEBELUM TERTAWA DILARANG DALAM POLITIK!: Membayangkan Indonesia lewat Meme Politik Pilpres 2014

Ridwan Muzir


This article highlights the use of memes in the political campaigns of presidential elections in 2014. The mass
media inform that public participation increased significantly at that time, one of them through social media.
In the initial observation, the expressiony of support was expressed by way of utilizing the existing visual
material, plus the technology to knock the opponent. Visual images of opponent processed in a way, both
visually and textually, allowing so the image used to attack an opponent who has the image. While almost no
visual imagery backed candidates were created to express support for him. The cases highlighted in this article
is a political meme of supports in the presidential election 2014. The question to be answered is: what are the
dimensions of stereotypical cultural utilized and how those utilized through political meme in the context of a
person's involvement as a citizen of Indonesian culture? Dimensional stereotypical culture here is understood
as a dimension of the stereotype that emerged from religious backgrounds, art, ideology, economic class, race /
ethnicity, region (central / regional), social relationships and other relevant socio-political conditions Indonesia
historically. The aim is to describe public involvement in the political context of Indonesia by using the virtual
world. To answer this question, it will be utilized perspective of critical discourse analysis. An approach that
is commonly used is semiotic.


eme, Political Campaigns, Presidential Election

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v3i2.382
Abstract views : 75 times
PDF : 183 times


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