MALAKOK: Model Menegosiasikan Keragaman bagi Etnis Nias-Kristen dan Minangkabau-Islam di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

Sefriyono Sefriyono


The awareness of the Nias-Christian as the comer in Minangkabau motivates them to do the malakok procession
through the taking of the Minangkabau custom of Sungai Buluah society. That awareness was responded
by ninik mamak (the leadership of ethnic in Minangkabau) through the acceptance of their request. On
December 10, 1927 th was carried out the malakok procession by which the Nias-Christian paid the custom
paying, 40 rial to the ninik mamak of Sungai Buluah village. The consequence of the malakok is the ninik
mamak gave them the datuak title (the custom title in Minangkabau) and communal land in korong (part of
village) Tanjung Basung II. Even though, the role of datuak which was given to Nias-christian only manages
their nephew, they have become the dunsanak (family) of the Minangkabau society. In Minangkabau, for
dunsanak is implemented the custom values, sasaki-sasanang, sahiduik-samati (if the dunsanak is sick, the
member of it is also feel the sick, and if the dunsanak is happy, the member of it feel the happy as well). This
agreement is always maintained and transmitted from generation to others by each of them (Nias-Christian
and Minangkabau-Islam), so both of them are protected from the social conflict.


malakok, negoisasi

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