Ziaulhaq Ziaulhaq


This paper is in terms of the site, the pedigree and  the network of Tarekat Naqsabandiya Babusalam (TNB).
The structure of this paper is divided based on focus assessment in the site, the pedigree and the network of
TNB. So far this study found that the site of TNB is located in Langkat, North Sumatra, which early also had
a special relationship with local authority of Langkat, when Langkat was still be a kingdom, so the spread of
BNP in this area becomes more massive because it is supported by the power. Furthermore, TNB has a central
area which called Babussalam, a village of Naqsybandiya. The pedigree of TNB is connected to Sulaiman
Zuhdi, a murshid of Naqsybandiya who based in Jabal Abi Qubis and then through Zuhdi is connected with
the clergy of other tharekat until the Prophet Muhammad. The network of TNB in Indonesia include North
Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Aceh and West Java, which also assume spreading to other areas. In overseas,
TNB has a strong network in malay countries such as Malaysia Singapore to China, but to last state lost contact.


arikat Naqsyabandiya Babussalam, Site, Pedigree, and Networks.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v2i1.392
Abstract views : 275 times
PDF : 1038 times


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