Ridwan Muzir Ridwan Muzir


This paper explores the position of Islamic populer book in socio-cultural setting of contemporary Muslim in
Indonesia. It focuses on how publishing industries placed the books they published in relation with muslim
society at large. Here, the book will be talked as cultural goods as well as economic goods. By way of that, it
will be seen that it is the economic motive which drive the differentiation of Islamic popular book, in term
of genre, reader, market segment and title. The concept of the field of cultural production from Bourdieuan
cultural sociology shows that in a field like Islamic popular book production, legitimation and consecration
as cultural capital are gained from the consumers as well as from the competitor. This cultural capital can be
conversed into economic capital, which is in its turn can be conversed again into more cultural capital.


Cultural and economic goods, Islamic popular books, publishing industry, reader, writer

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v2i2.464
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