POLITIK GENDER DI RANAH MINANG: Institusi, Gagasan dan Kepentingan

Muhammad Syukri Syukri


This article is aimed at investigating government’s effort to mainstream gender in all their policy and program
using political economy approach. Despite the fact that Indonesian government has issued several regulation
and established organizational support for gender mainstreaming, it is nevertheless not well-functioning at
local level. Various local contexts have contributed to this ineffective policy. The idea that local tradition has
put women on the top of noble position has become an excuse to not seriously pushing mainstreaming agenda
by local key decision maker. At organizational level, lack of knowledge and incentive to implement gender
mainstreaming either in policy or program, are the reasons why government institutions do not buy-in the
idea at practical level.


gender, mainstreaming, local knowledge, political economy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/turast.v1i1.472
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