Ismail Suardi Wekke


Pesantren (boarding school) shows a significant contribution on the Indonesian educational system through
time to time. This fact shows that pesantren has a main focus of education activites. Therefore, this article will
copare how the Arabic language material in two schools of woman and man. Research was conducted in South
Sulawesi employing qualitative approach. In-depth interview and nonparticipant observation were applied
through data collection. Nine months data collection and analysis was needed to perform this research. It
was from September last year to March 2013. Research shows there are many Learning material in any cases
will depend to the school environment. This paper finds out following: first, description of the items practiced
in Pesantren IMMIM in term of language learning material and gender. Second is to describe elementary
description of language learning material that choosen by teachers in both pesantrens. Learning material was
finalized started from teacher board. Then, they examine it to management level. On the end of process, the
curriculum was consultated to many stakeholders. Finally, the differences between two schools were constructed
from environment, tradition, and learning objective. Learning environment as a part of teaching and learning
were a classroom at large. It helps students and teacher to acquire the language.


Arabic, Pesantren, Learning, Environment, Tradition

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