Nilma Yola


This article is intended to read the pattern of political movement of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Masjumi,
starting from the beginning of establishment until the breakaway. In the beginning of the party’s establishment,
NU is as one of the organizations that are not only participate pioneered, but also keen to gain support. In the
structure of management, NU also gained a strategic position, namely as chairman of the Majelis Shura which
was held by KH Wahid Hasyim. Several years escorting Masjumi, NU finally decided to come out. Among the
claims raised was that NU did not get the position as minister of religious affairs in the cabinet. This claim
tended to consider that NU was pragmatic. Further explored, the issue of ministerial posts just as triggers.
Fundamental problems that caused this mass secession is a political movement patterns that are inconsistent
among people NU with others. In fact, with a strategic position as chairman of the the shura council, coupled
with the support of the nahdhiyin large enough then, NU may take more of a role, be more dominant, and even
changed the course of the party. However, NU chose to get out of Masjumi. For this reason, it is important to
understand the characteristics and patterns of NU's political movement, especially in relation to the dynamics
of Masjumi’s Party.


political movement, Nahdlatul Ulama, Masyumi

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