Hadis dan Media Abad Ke-20 (Penolakan Hadis Dhaif tentang Larangan Wanita Diberi Pendidikan dalam Majalah al-Munir)

Nandi Pinto, Mhd Idris, Sarwan Sarwan


Al-Munir's magazine as a writing medium that emerged in the early 20th century is a form of manifestation of renewing understanding in the media, especially writing media. This article aims to explore hadith and the media in the 20th century, especially regarding al-Munir's rejection of the dhaif hadith related to prohibiting women from being given education. The method used is a literature study method with a qualitative descriptive analysis approach. Al-Munir rejected the use of daif hadith as a source and basis for taking law from an issue. This can be seen from their (mudo) rejection of the hadith that prohibits women from being given an educational history by the Judge of Ibn Mas'ud being opposed and rejected because this hadith is dhaif. Al-Munir assessed that women also have the right to seek knowledge because this is obligatory for all Muslims without exception, apart from that working after studying is also a highlight and permissibility for them. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women. However, the duties of being a housewife and being responsible for children's education cannot be ignored and this remains an obligation that cannot be represented. Indirectly, al-Munir was a media pioneer in the rejection of discrimination against women and the dissemination of writings about providing education to women.


al-Munir,Hadith and Media, Renewal, Rejection of Dhaif Hadith.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/ju.v11i2.5539
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