
The research objective was to see the effect of the customer value dimensions (function value, function value, social value, emotional value, and sacrifice value) on the interest in becoming a customer in the LKMS. The research was conducted in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The population of this research is all members of LKMS in West Sumatra province. The research sample was 200 LKMS members. The sampling technique is a non-probability sampling method using convenience sampling. The results of the study are: a) the functional value of an Islamic financial product seen by the public has a significant effect on the interest in becoming a customer in LKMS, b) the social value of an Islamic financial product has a significant effect on the interest in becoming a customer in LKMS, c) the emotional value of a financial product has a significant effect on the interest in becoming a customer in LKMS, and d) the value of sacrifice has a significant effect on the interest in becoming a customer in LKMS.


Customer Interest, Customer Value Dimensions, Islamic Microfinance JEL


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