Aziza meria


The general objective of this research is to find out the general picture of integration of Islamic
religious education in the learning of Minangkabau Nature Culture (BAM) in Elementary School
(SD). While the specific purpose of this research is to know the integration of the value of faith
education, sharia education, and moral education in BAM learning in elementary school. The
type of research method used is field research (field research) that is by going directly to the
field to know the integration of values of Islamic education in learning BAM in elementary. The
approach taken in data collection using qualitative methods, with techniques, observation,
interviews and documentation. The data were obtained from several sources including PAI
teachers, BAM teachers, students, principals, and parties related to the theme of this research.
Further analyzed by descriptive and narrative analysis. The results of this research are: first, the
integration of PAI value in BAM learning in SD is the value of faith education. The value of faith
education consisting of faith in God, to the Prophet, to the holy book of the Qur'an, and the final
day. Secondly, the value of sharia education is that of birth, marriage, and marriage ceremonies.
Thirdly, the value of moral education is, about the matter of high upright raises the meaning of
manners are the courtesy, the praiseworthy, the humble, the shyness and the lazy attitude which
contradicts hard work.


integration, Islamic Education, Minangkabau Nature Culture

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