Perumpamaan dalam Hadis

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Hadith is a synonym of the Sunnah that according to the terminology is "everything that was taken from the Prophet Muhammad. before and after the appointed Apostle, either in the form of the word, deed or in the form of statutes (Taqrir). Total Sunnah or Hadith Apostle during his life very much, but a special phrase or "Word = اقوا ل" in the form of "Parables, amtsal or Metaphorically", not so many in number, but the tradition expressed in the form of a parable or the al-Amtsal, so has special impression in the hearts of those who listen and think about.


Hadits Amtsal; Materi Dakwah

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Al-Qur’an Al-Karim

As-Syuyuthiy. t.t. Qur’an, Tafsiir, Bayaan wa al-Asbaab al-Nuzuul. Damsyiq. Beirut: Daar al-Rasyiid.

Abu ‘Isa Muhammad bin ‘Isa, t.t. Sunan al-Tirmiziy, Juz 4 Daar al-Fikr.

Muhammad ‘Ajjaj Al-Khatib. 2007. Ushul Al-Hadis. (Terjemahan; H.M. Qodirun Nur, dkk.) Jakarta: Gaya Media Pratama. Cet.4

Syaikh Manna Al-Qaththan, Judul Asli: Mabaahis fi ‘uluum al-Qur’an. 2013. Pengantar Studi Ilmu Al-Qur’an, (Penerjemah, Aunur Rafiq al-Mazni). Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar. Cet.ix.

‘Asham Ahmad al-Basyir, Ushul Manhaj al-Naqd ‘inda ahli al-Hadits

Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah. 2009. Ad-Daa’ wa Ad-Dawaa’, Mukhtar al-Hadits. Penerjemah, Adni Kurniawan, (, Pustaka Imam Asy-Syafi’I. Cet.2.


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