Ahmad Muda Harahap


Family is the first and foremost educational environment for children. The family environment is the first place for children to engage in educational interactions before he goes to school and the wider community. The process of education in the family will run throughout life. Family education will always carry out its functions as the main education base for individuals as long as the individual is still alive. Therefore, families should be able to be an environment that can guarantee children's education well. According to Hasan Langgulung there are six aspects of education which are the responsibility of parents in educating their children, namely; aspects of physical and health education, intellectual/intellectual education aspects, emotional/psychological education aspects, religious/spiritual education aspects, ahklak education aspects, and aspects of social education. The six aspects are an integral part of one aspect with the other aspects. If the first aspect does not work well, it will have an impact on the other aspects. The implementation of good and optimal family education includes six aspects in order to develop the potential possessed by children, will provide positive value for the growth and development of the overall mental health of the family. The six aspects of family education will develop children's potential, both cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, and spiritual children, so that with the development of this potential will have implications for family mental health.


Family Education, Family Mental Health.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/attarbiyah.v10i2.1118
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