Rahayu Wulaning pamungkas Saleh


Abstract: In this research, researcher wants to analyze of student’s learning style in learning reading. There are five components in reading;comprehension, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and vocabulary. Researcher just focus in one component in reading, vocabulary. This research is descriptive qualitative. There are several steps to describe student’s learning style; take a sample, collecting the data and analyzing the data. Firstly, researcher choose sample by using random purposive. The researcher take 10% sample only from participant. After that, researcher use questionnaire as a instrument in collecting the data. There are 30 item in questionnaire that representative three indicator; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Researcher use Likert’s Scale to analyze the data. In this part, researcher find out the learning style of student in learning reading. Three are 31,1% participant learn by using visual style , 26,2% participant learn by using auditory style and 21,3% participant learn by using kinesthetic style, and 21,3% participant learn by using more than one style in learning reading.
Keywords: Learning style, English Class, reading

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