Variasi Fonologis Fonem Vokal Bahasa Minangkabau Isolek Nagari Pariangan

Ulil Amri


This research is a linguistic research in the field of Diachronic Dialectology. The purpose of this research is to describe the phonological variations of the vocal phonemes of the Minangkabau language, focused on the isolects of the four villages: Guguk (IGK), Sikaladi (ISK), Pariangan (IPR), and Padangpanjang (IPP) in Nagari Pariangan, Tanah Datar Regeant, West Sumatra. This research uses descriptive quantitative approach in describing the phonological variation of vowel phonemes. The research data were collected using the conversational engagement method using the tapping technique. The data were analyzed by synchronic comparative method and by comparing the data of cognate language. The calculation of phonological differences between observation points is done by applying the protophoneme reconstruction rules. The findings of the research are 38 variations of vowel phonemes from all 998 basic vocabularies analyzed.
Keywords:diachronic dialectology, phonological variation, Minangkabau language, Nagari Pariangan.

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