Analisis Kalam Khabari dalam Khutbah Hasyim bin Abdi Manaf

Husnul Hamdi


This research focuses on one of Hashim bin Abdi Manaf's sermons motivating the Quraysh to honor Allah's guests in the House of Allah. The purpose of this research is to analyze the expressions of Kalam Khabari contained in this sermon. The research method used in this research is the literature study method, which is a series of activities related to the method of collecting library data, reading notes, then processing research materials. From the four paragraphs of Hasyim bin Abdi Manaf's sermon, the type of Kalam Khabari Ibtida'i is 14 expressions and Thalabi is 2 expressions and no kalam khabari is found in the inkari type. In terms of the purpose of kalam khabari in this sermon, the majority is found in the form of Lazimul Faidah as many as 10 expressions, while in the form of Faidatul Khabar as many as 6 expressions. The number of expressions in the Ibtida'i type with the purpose of Lazimul Fadah implies that Hashim bin Abdi Manaf conveyed this information in his sermon intending to influence, motivate the Quraysh in honoring Allah's guest.
Keywords: Kalam Khabari, Balaghah, Khutbah

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