جدلية المدرستين البصرية والكوفية عن الإجماع كأدلة النحو

Asrina Asrina, Gilang Ramadhan


This study aims to reveal the dialectic of the Basrah and Kufah schools regarding Ijma' as a nahwu proposition. Ijma' is a well-known term in the study of the basics of Arabic grammar which has received serious attention from nahwu school scholars. Because of this great attention, there have been in-depth discussions about ijma' as a postulate for nahwu. This study used a library research and through the historical method. From the research conducted, it was found that ijma’ has two meanings, namely "determination of something" and "agreement on something". Ijma’ lughawi is divided into three types: consensus of narrators, consensus of Arabs, and consensus of grammarians. There are several examples of cases of ijma' among experts of the Basrah and Kufah schools. Firstly, In a question about the origin of the word “اسم”, grammarians in Kufah and Basrah agreed that the letter hamza at the beginning of the word “اسم” is the hamza of compensation. Secondly, with regard to conjugation of present tense verbs in grammar, the schools of Kufah and Basrah agreed that present tense verbs are parsed. Thirdly, regarding the issue of prioritizing the predicate over the subject, their saying that is unanimously permissible. Fourthly, regarding the letter "meem" in the word “اللّهم,” and whether it comes from the vocative letters or not, grammarians agreed that the original word is “"ياهلل

Keywords: dialectic, ijma’, the Basrah school, the Kufah school.

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