Salmadanis Salmadanis


The existence of the Da'wah Faculty of attendance is certainly to answer the problems that exist in the community grow and develop during the time someone or a group of people have completed their education at this institution. There are several functions of the Da'wah faculty that are relevant to the progress of a nation and state, namely preparing someone or a group of people to be skilled in a job needed by a community in accelerating development; as a means of transmitting the values of life incarnated in positive attitudes that will strengthen the image and culture of the nation, and a high attitude towards nationality; as a forum to strengthen the social role as agents of change; as a reliable provider of da'wah power that can accelerate the country's development; and so forth.


Da'wah, Religion Society

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Fakultas Dakwah dan Ilmu Komunikasi, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang
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