Development Of Maharah Qira'ah Evaluation Tool Using Moodle For Eighth Graders at MTs

Khairani Fadhilah, Rahmawati Rahmawati


Evaluation is the main component in the teaching and learning process, these components are objectives, materials, methods, evaluation. The good evaluation standards are; inclusivity of evaluation; continuity of evaluation;  objectivity; differentiation, and variety. Evaluation in the teaching and learning process is very important because it uses various and different tools in evaluating reading skills learning to find out how far their progress in learning to read. Evaluation as a data collection tool has many tools, and these tools are tests and non-tests. The test as an assessment tool has various types. One type is a written test and one of the tools in Moodle. the problem statement is evaluation of reading skills in MTs has not used an evaluation tool with Moodle, students are less enthusiastic in evaluating reading skills, and teacher lacks mastery technology. The problem statement in this study is how to develop a reading skill evaluation tool using Moodle for eighth grade in MTs?. The research method used is research and development with 4D models (define, design, develop, disseminate) but the author limits it to the third stage that is development. The results of this study are: (1) needs analysis includes analysis of the ‎‎2013 education curriculum, student books and the forms of tests used, analysis of the needs of Arabic teachers and students (they really need the development of this tool) (2) Designing a reading skill evaluation tool using Moodle includes writing a grid of questions, writing test questions, and making evaluation tools in Moodle (3) The results of developing a reading skill evaluation tool using moodle for eighth grade in MTs include the validity of linguists and evaluations and media, and the results of all of them show very good ratings and this means it is possible to use Moodle in the evaluation without correction


Evaluation; Teaching; Learning process; Moodle

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