Tatbῑq Uslūb at-Ta‘lῑm al-Qā’im ’alā al- Masyrū‘āt (Project Based Learning) fῑ Ta‘lῑm Mahārati al-Kalām Ladā Ṭalabah Jāmi‘ah Imam Bonjol al-Islāmiyyah al-Ḥukumiyyah Padang

Sri Indah Lestari


 Project-based learning aims to enable students to think critically, problem-solve, teamwork, discussions and final reports. Hence, this research aimed: 1) To reveal how to implement speaking skill teaching by applying the project-based learning method. 2) To reveal the results of teaching speaking skill by applying the project-based learning method. This research adopted the qualitative approach to the descriptive approach by collecting data using observation. The steps for data collection are the beginning of the researcher observing the process of teaching the speaking skill by applying the project-based learning in the classroom, then analyzing by following steps: First, the researcher collected data from the results of observation and interview, and then reduced the data according to the data needed in relation to teaching speaking skill using a project-based learning method, then Provide and finally a conclusion. The results are the implementation of the project-based learning method in learning speaking skills is divided into planning, organizing, investigation and evaluation stages. The results of the research prove that there is an increase in the final semester exam scores using the project compared to the midterm exam results without the project.


Strategies Learning; Project Based Learning; Speaking Skiil


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/lisaanuna.v7i1.9715


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