Analisis Kepemimpinan Spiritual dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Kerja Guru di Madrasah Aliyah Se-Kecamatan Cimahi Utara

Diding Nurdin, Dwi Kusdianingsih


The findings of a preliminary study at three Islamic Senior High Schools in the North Cimahi District served as the foundation for this research. The results of the preliminary study have resulted in information about the condition of the teachers at three Islamic Senior High Schools. One characteristic that two of them have in common—the willingness to apply their personal knowledge into practice—leads to becoming teachers. Meanwhile, one other Islamic Senior High Schools has quite different conditions, namely in teaching, there are teachers who only give assignments to students without coming to school. The motivation of the teacher at work is one of the elements that may contribute to this condition. Motivation at work can impact teachers' actions in accomplishing educational objectives and producing high-quality learning. The Headmaster's leadership is one of the elements that affects teachers' work motivation. The goal of this research is to describe the efforts the Headmaster can make to improve teachers' work motivation by implementing spiritual leadership. Data collection is carried out through questionnaires distributed to teachers. The results of data processing show that the Head of Madrasah carries out spiritual leadership very well. Teacher motivation is also in the very good category. The headmaster can act to increase teacher motivation by building a feeling of group cohesion, sharing risks, giving teachers duties that will make them feel challenged, and listening to and responding to their needs.


Spiritual Leadership, Teachers, Work Motivation

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